Make your online business visible
Post articles, news, and press releases on the Internet. Raise awareness and expertise of your company. Publish PR materials and promotional articles to remind a large audience of yourself. The RedTram publishing system is a service for controlling your publications and posting articles on one resource.

Posting articles on the Internet helps:
Increase the reputation and credibility of the company
Identify your company in an existing market
Share an important informational occasion from the life of the company
Show expertise in your business
Show work experience in your field of activity
Increase interest in the public person

Benefits of posting
Permanent placement of links in articles
Indexing by search engines
Control of publications in your personal account
Ability to use links, photos and videos
Possibility of placement on the main page and in categories
Posting articles in four languages: EN, UA, RU, KZ

100 $
Cost of one publication
The price depends on the topic of the publication
and is negotiated before posting
Send texts for posting

Additional posting options
Broadcast news or articles on media sites
Pinning a post to the front page
Pinning in thematic sections
Posting without advertisement tags

Post and manage posts
Create an account
This is a private space where you create content and view statistics
Start adding materials
Use all web publishing tools for content
Save the finished article
Publish your materials when everything is ready, and all the edits are made
All publications are moderated and checked by us for compliance with the rules